Water Rates

Water Consumption Charges
Base Charge
The following base charge is the minimum charge to be paid by all customers on a monthly basis. Customers may be billed on a monthly basis depending on type of meter, customer class, service address, or water usage:
Size of Meter | Effective January 20, 2025 Monthly Base Charge |
Effective January 19, 2026 Monthly Base Charge |
Effective January 18, 2027 Monthly Base Charge |
5/8 x 3/4 inch | $38.36 | $41.43 | $44.75 |
3/4 inch | $53.32 | $57.59 | $62.20 |
1 inch | $83.26 | $89.93 | $97.13 |
1-1/2 inch | $158.09 | $170.74 | $184.40 |
2 inch | $247.89 | $267.73 | $289.15 |
3 inch | $532.27 | $574.86 | $620.85 |
4 inch | $951.34 | $1,027.45 | $1,109.65 |
6 inch | $2,028.96 | $2,191.28 | $2,366.59 |
Meters larger than 6 inches will be subject to base charges as determined by the Board of Directors.
Quantity Charge
In addition to the base charge set forth in Section 1A (of the Rate and Fee Schedule or see Base Charge above), the following quantity charges shall be paid per one hundred cubic feet (hcf) of water delivered:
Quantity Delivered (During Monthly Billing Period) |
Effective January 20, 2025 Monthly Water Consumption Charge per hcf |
Effective January 19, 2026 Monthly Water Consumption Charge per hcf |
Effective January 18, 2027 Monthly Water Consumption Charge per hcf |
1 – 4 hcf | $12.31 | $13.30 | $14.37 |
5 – 8 hcf | $18.29 | $19.76 | $21.35 |
9 or more hcf | $22.15 | $23.93 | $25.85 |
Definition of Residential Customers: For purposes of Sections 1 and 2 (of the Rate and Fee Schedule), Residential Customers are single family homes, duplexes, condominiums, townhouses and all apartment buildings with individual meters for separate residential dwelling units. Apartment houses with a single “master meter” measuring consumption within multiple dwelling units are not “Residential Customers” for purposes of Sections 1 and 2 but are classified as “Multi-Family” in Section 3 (of the Rate and Fee Schedule).
Customer Type | Effective January 20, 2025 Monthly Water Consumption Charge per hcf |
Effective January 19, 2026 Monthly Water Consumption Charge per hcf |
Effective January 18, 2027 Monthly Water Consumption Charge per hcf |
Multi-Family | $14.69 | $15.87 | $17.14 |
All Other Customers | $17.60 | $19.01 | $20.54 |