Water Use Restrictions

Avoid irrigating when it is windy.

When irrigating, don’t allow the water to run-off onto walkways, roadways, and non-irrigated areas.

Irrigate by hand any day of the week and any time of the day.
Avoid Water Waste
- Find leaks and fix them. If the District has notified you of consistent or constant consumption, make sure you make repairs within 24 hours.
- When washing your vehicles and other hard surfaces, use a positive shut-off nozzle on your garden hose.
- Avoid pooling of water from super saturation of soils when irrigating or using water for cleaning.
- When using water, avoid letting it flow off of your property and onto the sidewalk and street.
- Fountains and ponds connected to the potable water system must recirculate the water.
- Sweep patios, sidewalks, and driveways instead of washing them down with water.
- Use a cover on your pools and hot tubs to avoid evaporation.

Water Waste Hotline: (650) 276-0647
If you wish to report the wasteful use of water please call our water waste hotline and leave a message.
If you notice a water leak in the street, at a fire hydrant or at a meter box, please call the District’s main phone number at (650) 726-4405.