Water-Wise Gardening

Landscape Education Classes
Learn how to garden beautifully while reducing your water use in water-wise landscaping classes offered in Spring and Fall by Bay Area Water Supply & Conservation Agency (BAWSCA).
All classes are FREE and offered on a first come first served basis. Registration is required. Zoom webinars are being utilized during the COVID-19 pandemic, and videos of past landscape classes are available for viewing.
Visit www.bawsca.org for more information.
Gardening Literature
CCWD offers many reprints from popular gardening magazines such as Sunset Magazine and Bay Nature Magazine. Reprints include information on gardening basics, manual watering devices, maintaining your sprinkler system, and detailed information on water efficient plants, soil type and garden design.

Bay-Friendly Gardening: From your backyard to the Bay
“Bay-Friendly Gardening – From your backyard to the Bay” contains information on soils, composting, mulch, pruning, integrated pest management, plants and garden design. Learn gardening practices that will help conserve water, save energy, reduce solid waste, reduce hazardous waste, and protect the local watershed. Create your ideal vegetable, flower, or low maintenance garden and contribute toward a healthy community. This booklet was created by StopWaste.Org and was reprinted by the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency (BAWSCA). This booklet is free to Coastside County Water District Customers.

How to Water Your Garden
“How to Water Your Garden” by Sunset Magazine includes information on proper drainage, using a soil probe, watering your garden efficiently, the importance of hydrozoning, and detailed information on irrigations systems (from drip to hand watering).

Water Wise Gardening for California
“Water Wise Gardening for California”, also by Sunset Magazine, discusses climate zones according to the Sunset Western Garden Book as well as discusses specific water-conserving species of trees, shrubs, perennials and grasses. This reprint covers the importance of choosing the right type of grass for your home or area as well as how to manage thirsty plants such as roses, vegetables, and lawns.

Soil Matters: From Backyard to Backcountry
“Soil Matters: From Backyard to Backcountry” is a new reprint by Bay Nature Magazine. This useful reprint discusses Bay Area soils types, including coastal soils here in Half Moon Bay, as well as real garden stories on how to turn hard unworkable soil into healthy and organic soil types. “Soil Matters” provides a list of soil friendly practices such as mulching and composting, as well as a list of useful resources.

Gardening for Wildlife with Native Plants
“Gardening for Wildlife with Native Plants” by Bay Nature Magazine reviews gardens that utilize versatile native plants to create backyard habitats for local wildlife such as butterflies, hummingbirds, hawks, songbirds, herons, and egrets. A detailed look at oak gardens and native bees is also discussed in this reprint.

Backyards from the Ground Up
“Backyards from the Ground Up” is a new publication by Sunset Magazine that discusses four different types of gardens that can be used to fit the specific needs of homeowners. For example, this useful booklet illustrates examples of landscapes for couples without kids, a family with small children, a coastal inspired backyard escape and a landscape that allows for convenient entertaining.

A Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Mulch
“A Bay-Friendly Landscaping Guide to Mulch” was developed by Stop Waste.Org. This guide helps promote healthy plants, minimize soil erosion, recycle waste, and conserve water. Learn how to save money, control weeds, and create healthy and attractive landscapes. This reprint is brought to you by BAWSCA the Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency.

Water-Wise Gardening in the Bay Area
“Water-Wise Gardening in the Bay Area” is a gardening guide for residents of the San Francisco Bay Area. This guide helps you select plants and design a garden by giving detailed descriptions and photos of plants. Use the web-based database here: www.bawsca.watersavingplants.com/bawsca.php
Useful Garden and Plant Links
California Native Plant Society – http://www.cnps.org
CalFlora – http://www.calflora.org
Native Plants for a California Garden – http://www.mynativeplants.com